Welcome to the Journal of the Working Group of German-speaking Myriapodologists

SCHUBARTIANA is the scientific journal, edited and published by the Working Group of German-speaking Myriapodologists. It is named after the German myriapodologist Dr. Otto Schubart (17. February 1900 – 8. November 1962). The first issue was published in December 2005.

SCHUBARTIANA aims to address all people interested in Chilopoda and Diplopoda as well as Pauropoda and Symphyla. We encourage both amateurs, advanced or professional myriapodologists to submit their contributions. There are still large gaps in knowledge of nearly all fields of myriapodology in many respects. All data, even small contributions, are important documents for future studies and for a better understanding of these multipedes. This journal wants to represent a platform for manuscripts and topics not fitting to the scope and aims of major journals. No data should get lost in your desk!

SCHUBARTIANA is open for all publications in the field of myriapodology. Although, the scope is on Europe and Central Europe, contributions to other geographical regions are welcome too. A broad range of works are considered for publishing: taxonomical (re-)descriptions and revisions, identification keys, phylogenetic studies, physiology, functional morphology, ecology, faunal lists and checklists, distribution atlases, methodology, collection catalogues, literature reviews, databases, software, as well as short communications, e.g. interesting faunistic records.

SCHUBARTIANA is an open access peer-review journal with no charges for submission, article processing or open access. Articles are published online as pdf with colored figures prior to a printed issue once per year. The editors aim to process manuscripts from submission to online publication as quick as possible and ensure quality of manuscripts. There is no limit of page numbers and supplementary files can be provided as required. Copyright on any article is retained by the author(s) and full texts can be distributed, printed or linked.

We are looking forward to your submitted manuscripts.